Quantum Bayesian Networks

October 17, 2017

Hartmut Neven’s impeccable taste for fashion

Filed under: Uncategorized — rrtucci @ 4:37 pm

Hartmut Neven is the impresario of Google’s quantum computing effort (Martinis’ Pomeranian dog, Qubit, is the real scientific master mind behind the operation. Martinis and his mules just follow Qubit’s orders). As far back as 2013, I have jested about Neven’s faith in the Everett many-worlds-interpretation (MWI) of quantum mechanics, a religion which I find ridiculous, with no physical evidence or utility. Today I’ve read a somewhat gossipy quantum computing article in the Wall Street Journal that confirms my suspicion that Neven’s faith in MWI remains steadfast 4 years later. Luckily, Neven’s bad taste for interpretations of quantum mechanics is more than compensated by his superb sense of fashion. The same WSJ article informed me of something that I have long wanted to know, the provenance of Neven’s magical sneakers: they are “Christian Louboutin sneakers”. Gone are the Silicon Valley fashion-challenged days in which all serious Silicon Valley entrepreneurs wore jeans and a black turtle neck to emulate Steve Jobs.

Possible captions

  • Google should force this man to wear a tie and suit
  • Microsoft stands no chance against the owner of Joseph’s magical multicolored dreamcoat.
  • Google’s German Michael Jackson doing the Google Moonwalk
  • Google’s Nevenator wishes you an “Hasta la vista Baby”
  • Martinis’ antiparticle, Martinis when he lets his hair down.
  • Now I am become Neven, the creator of many worlds.

More of my Neven blog posts.

1 Comment »

  1. This Reddit post about Neven is pretty funny.

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    Google, quantum computing, consciousness and ayahuasca
    Google has been working with quantum computation for the last couple of years in image search, headed up by Hartmut Neven. He delivered an amazing lecture on whether explaining higher brain function requires quantum mechanics.

    Near the end, he argues quite convincingly that the ayahuasca experience may make reference to these quantum effects.

    From this and other of his lectures, it’s clear that Neven is somewhat of an informed psychonaut, and the entire video is truly fascinating to anyone interested in psychedelics, consciousness and physics.

    If you dont have time for the entire lecture (it’s worth it!), check out an 7min excerpt which focuses on ayahuasca here. Enjoy!

    PS: he’s also the guy who organized the recent Google Workshop on Quantum Biology.

    Comment by rrtucci — July 15, 2018 @ 12:37 pm

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