Quantum Bayesian Networks

June 8, 2016

Microsoft Quantum Computing Software Patents, A Watch Page

Filed under: Uncategorized — rrtucci @ 6:21 am

This blog post will be dedicated to posting links to Microsoft quantum computing software patents. I will keep adding to it as I become aware of newer patents. My method of finding patents is to use the USPTO search engine for granted patents with the queries:

AN/Microsoft AND IN/Wecker

AN/Microsoft AND IN/Svore

Note that the USPTO also has a search engine for patent applications that are not yet granted. I am not listing those here. You can use that search engine yourself if you also want to see “Previews of the Coming Attractions”

I give patent links to the GooglePatents website (instead of to the USPTO website)

  1. Quantum gate optimizations

  2. Optimizing quantum simulations by intelligent permutation

  3. Language integration via function redirection

  4. Quantum annealing simulator

  5. Fast quantum and classical phase estimation

  6. Method and system that produces non-stabilizer quantum states that are used in various quantum circuits and systems

  7. Method and system for optimal decomposition of single-qubit quantum circuits using standard quantum gates


  1. […] and people from Microsoft were pleased with the outcome. Speaking of Microsoft, the company is now hoarding software patents on quantum computing, based on this new listing. “Note that the USPTO also has a search engine for patent […]

    Pingback by Enfish Case Has Not Salvaged Software Patents in the US, Proponents of Software Patents Admit | Techrights — June 14, 2016 @ 2:41 pm

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